TOCSA solves business problems, whether it is in production, sales and marketing, project management, finance , IT or organizational thinking we have a solution for you, our only GOAL is to help your organization achieve its GOAL!

Courses on the Theory of Constraints

Below are some of the courses offered on TOC – All courses are offered on an in-house basis and tailor made to suit your specific needs

Contact Nicholas on 086-110 2161 or for more information as well as discounted rates for 5 participants or more

Introduction to TOC

3 Day Workshop

The workshop introduces the Theory of Constraints. It provides a broad overview of what TOC is all about in terms of the philosophy, approach and all its applications. How the TOC can be used to dramatically increase performance for each participant’s organization is explored. To download the brochure please click here:

Critical Chain Project Management

5 Day Workshop

The objective of this workshop is to understand the Theory of Constraints and the TOC solution to Project Management (Critical Chain Project Management) in depth; how to capitalize on the opportunities to improve a single project and a multi-project environment. Also included is the strategies and tactics roadmap for implementation.

Managing Supply Chains the TOC Way

5 Day Workshop

The objective of this workshop is to understand the Theory of Constraints and the TOC solution to improve flow through supply chains (from the source to the consumer or part there-of), how to ensure that capacities are not wasted and be able to apply the understanding to unique supply chains. Also included is the strategies and tactics roadmap for implementation.

TOC Systems Thinking Program

10 Day Workshop

The TOC Thinking Processes is the megasystem that enables the analysis, core problem discovery, solution development and building of implementation strategies and tactics of subject areas for which a generic TOC solution does not exist. In this program thinking skills through the application of the Thinking Processes to participant’s unique subject areas is applied

Management Skills Workshop (MSW)

5 Day Workshop

The MSW Program enables participants to develop cutting-edge Management and Thinking skills that combine sound cause-effect logic with intuition and experience. The Program teaches participants to use logical Thinking Processes (TP) based on the Theory of Constraints (TOC) and intuition gained from real life experiences to develop realistic, robust and implementable solutions to seemingly insurmountable problems and conflicts.


TOC Insights Client – Server Application

The ultimate TOC learning resource that works on a local network! The TOC Insights Client-Server Application was created to respond to a highly demanded training/education need: To have the TOC Insights learning resources available within companies through their Local Area Networks (LAN). The TOC Insights were carefully produced to ease its usage and maximize the learning experience. Users can learn at their own speed and easily review any of the material, as they need. Having the LAN integration brings tremendous added value for the company and users of TOC Insights:

The ultimate TOC learning resource that works on a local network! The TOC Insights Client-Server Application was created to respond to a highly demanded training/education need: To have the TOC Insights learning resources available within companies through their Local Area Networks (LAN). The TOC Insights were carefully produced to ease its usage and maximize the learning experience. Users can learn at their own speed and easily review any of the material, as they need. Having the LAN integration brings tremendous added value for the company and users of TOC Insights:

  • Ease of accessibility
  • Security and control over application use and licenses
  • Immediate access by client user – is easier, faster and more reliable than shuffling installations from 1 system to another
  • Scalability to meet the demands of tens, hundreds, thousands of concurrent users with a reasonably low cost for additional licenses
  • Increased flexibility to adapt to changing environment

Training/educational departments now have one of the best available learning tools, that will enable them to make TOC knowledge available for the organization’s associates!

Some Client Feedback

Contact us to explore how an in-house workshop can take your organisation to the next level. Our TOC experts will help you configure an effective workshop design.

Contact us

TOC SA operates throughout SA

+27 (86) 110 2161

+27 (86) 648 3028

Contact Form