Theory of Constraints Southern Africa was established on 1 January 2000 at the request of Dr Eli Goldratt. Until then we operated as one of 23 partners of the Avraham Y Goldratt Institute. Our goal still is to develop and disseminate Theory of Constraints knowledge and applications as well as supporting clients in their journey of changing their business rules. The clients we support always achieve rapid growth when they adopt the TOC rules. We are also the sole representative for Goldratt Marketing, for the entire Southern African region. The Theory of Constraints (TOC) is an overall management methodology developed by Dr. Eliyahu M. Goldratt. His first book, The Goal (1984), is still a bestseller and is one of the most influential management books of all times as attested to by people like Jeff Bezos of Amazon.



See the

TOC challenges conventional
management thinking in many ways.
Management accounting is about throughput Accounting rather than cost Accounting. Project management is about maximising flow to achieve the end objective quickly rather than meeting task deadlines. Supply chain management is about ensuring that end consumer demand activates flow frequently for every link rather than filling the next link’s monthly orders with large batches. Marketing is about reducing a major limitation for customers in target markets segmented by significant needs rather than size or geography or relationships. Production is about minimizing work in progress instead of maximizing efficiencies or recoveries. People are empowered to make decisions to maximize the performance of the organization as a whole rather than maximizing local optima. The number of Kpi’s are kept to a minimum and fully aligned with whole company performance improvement objectives
TOC challenges conventional
management thinking in many ways.
TOCSA offers education on all aspects of the TOC with public, company specific and on-line courses to provide the knowledge required for adopting new rapid growth rules. When necessary we support the change from conventional rules to rapid growth rules by coaching and mentoring top managers. The first step of this support is to design the solution and the new rules in full collaboration with top management, ensuring ownership and commitment. Then designing the implementation flow and supporting each of the steps as management takes the planned actions.
A Brief description of TOC
The Theory of Constraints (TOC) is an overall philosophy developed by Dr. Eliyahu M. Goldratt, usually applied to running and improving an organization. TOC consists of Problem Solving and Management/Decision-Making Tools called the Thinking Processes (TP).
TOC is applied to logically and systematically answer these three questions essential to any process of ongoing improvement:
– What to change?”
– To what to change?
– How to cause the change?
More specific uses of the Thinking Processes can be used to significantly enhance vital management skills, such as:
– Win-win conflict resolution
– Effective communication
– Team building skills
– Delegation
– Empowerment
TOC postulates that the goal is to make (more) money. It describes three avenues to this goal:
– Increase Throughput
– Reduce Inventory
– Reduce Operating Expense
Dr. Goldratt’s Theory of Constraints is being used by thousands of corporations, and is taught in over 200 colleges, universities and business schools. His books have sold over 3 million copies and have been translated into 23 languages.
Introduction to the Theory of Constraints (TOC) [3.6 Mb]
For a few carefully selected companies there is an opportunity to work with our implementation arm to guarantee significant results are achieved. Our experts will work together with your internal team to ensure your company is self-sufficient in the exponential growth strategy. A considerable proportion of our fees are based upon achieving the desired results for your company. Contact us to explore this opportunity…
In-house Workshops
Our in-house workshops are configured to closer fit to the needs of your organisation. We provide in-house workshops on the following TOC themes:
Contact us to explore how an in-house workshop can take your organisation to the next level. Our TOC experts will help you configure an effective workshop design.
Contact us
TOC SA operates throughout SA